The Nikki Reid account that we now know to be fake was created back in July, 2010. (Note: Apparently NYT says September, 2010 – I had heard July but that detail doesn’t change the point here.) What else happened that month? How about this on July 10th…
Today, Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner, surrounded by their family and friends, were married in the garden at Oheka Castle in Huntington, L.I.
The bride wore a gown designed by her good friend Oscar de la Renta.
Bryan Rafanelli oversaw the design and plan of the wedding celebration. The ceremony was officiated by President William Jefferson Clinton.
Add to that – Weiner said in his press conference he started sexting three years ago.
So, there were women he knewand was sexual with before his wedding. How do you think they felt when they saw him getting married?
lol and now we are full circle back to the “scorned girlfriend” theory. I’ve always thought the obsession was much too personal to be politically motivated.
But the account didn’t do anything Weinergate related until March(which was quite early still…)… when it chatted up Ginger Lee…
Is there no way to tell who else B&V were tweeting? If the left’s accusations are true we should have plenty of people on our side that know how to hack twitter….so let’s get on that. /s
Personally I think they’re real. The story doesn’t make sense because one of them was making dumb decisions on how to start a brush fire. Then when it got out of control one of them was trying to figure out how to deny starting it. Then they all decided to stand by the fire as being an ok thing to do, so move along nothing to see here. Which I think is when a PR firm got involved.
Or it’s all the workings of the great and powerful Oz.
I’m just going to wait for the flow chart to come out because now any idea becomes plausible. What we know for certain is that Tommy Christopher is not to be trusted because he’s easily duped, by high school students none the less. Which kind of makes me wonder if the B&V angle was done by a conservative. It’s made the left look like idiots.
Okay so I’ve went back and read Tommy’s Betty & veronica story again and looked at the timeline.
1. B/V contacted Tommy Christopher relaying the story of being harassed by bornfree crew. They also tell him they never got private dm’s from Weiner other than a welcome.
2. At the same time, secretly B/V contacts Goatsred telling him they have incriminating tweets, they also mention the names “Andrew & Dana” which I have always found suspicious.
3. Tommy Christopher is sent the screenshot of the convo w/ goatsred at which point he confronts B/V and the story falls apart. They then release statements that are very pro-weiner.
4. After the story of B/V being fake the story is spun that they were trying to set up Weiner, but Lee is absolutely right, they weren’t they were trying to defend weiner/ set up breitbart.
5. the question was asked on twitter today when the girls went from being anti-weiner to pro-weiner, but of you look at the facts, it seems much more likely they were trying to feed bad info to goatsred/breitbart to exonerate weiner/implicate breitbart than it is that they had a change of heart.
6. the key to this is that the conversations with tommy (working the we were harassed by bornfree angle) and goatsred (feeding false info about conversations) took place simultaneously. And that once Tommy discovered the screenshot of the DM convo it all fell apart.
Betty, Veronica, & Mrs. Betty are RAW in collaboration with one of his sympathetic cyberGFs (Vegas?, WA? …for the purpose of the phone call) who wanted to take down #bornfreecrew @AndrewBreitbart @DLoesch because they were wise to RAW’s proclivities with eager fangirls (Vegas, etc.) and teenyboppers (Ethel, etc.).
RAW needed to create something that would get #bornfreecrew to sink their teeth into (Betty’s prom campaign, Veronica’s lurid lies to @GoatsRed) in order to later discredit #bornfreecrew @PatriotUSA76 @AndrewBreitbart etc as stalkers with no journalistic cred or ethics….as hacks who would publish something that was obviously (in hindsight) a red herring. Breitbart didn’t bite and Tommy Christopher’s piece serves to support Breitbart’s credibility. Ugly backfire.
It is Anthony Shaffer’s “Sleuth” gone digital. Doppler is really Milo. Betty & Veronica are really RAW. Mrs. Betty is really WA.
I love the theories here about who these people are/were. There’s a lot of unanswered questions surrounding Nikki and her friend, but the more their story changes, the more I see a scared teenager lying to cover her lies.
She probably called TC and pretended to be her mom. Then Weiner’s damage control guys wrote the defense. What’s that thing that perverts usually tell their minor victims? “if you tell, you’re gonna get in trouble.” if she’d sent pics to him, that’s dissemination of child porn. I wouldn’t put it past Weiner to be so sleazy (I would have easily put it past him a month ago).
The more I think about it, the more I think it was Chinese hackers who acquired the original information about Weiner, and then set out to destroy him, recruiting some conservative Republican in a false flag operation, in order to solidify John Liu’s chances of becoming Mayor of New York. The ioperation was based in California both in order to keep it out of New York where people might know that Weiner didn’t plan to stay in Congress and because of connections there. The starchild111 account was probably set up some time before for some other reason - like buzz for movies but not used much..