Note: this is an excerpt from a much longer and very detailed piece I have coming at Breitbart News.
Imagine this: there’s a woman—let’s call her Katrina—who is an avowed American Nazi. Katrina’s father was also a well-known Nazi; an attorney who defended other American Nazis in courtroom battles and who had connections with well known Nazis around the world. In her late 20s, Katrina takes this ideology to its logical conclusion and becomes a Nazi terrorist who plots to kill people.
[pullquote align=”right”]the left uses America’s most respected universities as both a breeding ground and a retirement home for radicals[/pullquote]Katrina goes on the run from the law for a decade and eventually takes an active part in a robbery that’s going to raise money to fund Nazi terror attacks. The robbery ends up turning violent and people are killed, including two police officers. Katrina is caught and sent to prison.
Did we mention that Katrina had an infant son? She sends her son off to live with two members of her Nazi terror cell while she does her time in prison.
Cut to twenty years later. Katrina’s son is now a committed Nazi supporter. Katrina is paroled from prison and is still preaching Nazism, although she’s not actively making bombs. Nonetheless, she has the same Nazi ideology that led her to decide that committing all those earlier acts of terror was an acceptable course of conduct.
Would you consider Katrina reformed? Safe? Someone who has turned over a new leaf? Would Katrina the Nazi be welcomed back into civil society with open arms or shunned, as she should be? Think anyone would make a movie portraying her as a heroine?
Now substitute the word Communist for the word Nazi in this story. While you’re at it, substitute the name Kathy Boudin for the name Katrina.
Katherine Boudin is a Communist terrorist and convicted felon who now teaches at two top colleges; a Weather Underground radical, she’s an adjunct professor at Columbia University and has been named the Sheinberg Scholar-in-Residence at NYU Law School.
Whatever you’ve heard about Boudin, the reality is actually far worse.
The story of Kathy Boudin’s crimes and her victims is bloody and ugly. Many details get left out or smoothed over, even by her critics. There’s a wider importance to Boudin’s story: it’s yet another example of how the left uses America’s most respected universities as both a breeding ground and a retirement home for radicals; a way to give violent ideologically driven criminals both legitimacy and a paycheck, often at taxpayer’s expense.
These American terrorists and advocates of overthrow like Dr. Kathy Boudin are giving a pass by academia and lauded in the arts because they promote communism, socialism and bloody revolution. As such, they are idolized by the mainstream liberal establishment, who view them as ideologically pure embodiments of their ideals, carnage be damned.
And it is also a story about how they’ve infiltrated the criminal justice system. Can’t wait to read your entire piece.